Professional Photographer

Ron Timehin


Ron Timehin is a professional photographer, director, and producer based in London.

Specialising in Cityscape and Portrait photography, Ron has established a varied client list that consists of commissioned work for brands including Apple, Adidas, Adobe, American Express, Canada Goose, Christian Louboutin, Disney, Nike, Prada, Google, Eurostar, Samsung, Sony, Red Bull & Vodafone.

My Breakthrough

I can’t really put a finger on when my breakthrough happened. It has felt like I have slowly but surely made steps in the right direction and there have been some landmarks moments along the way. Both wins and losses.

I guess the first would have to be when Instagram made me a suggested user back in 2014, that definitely had a huge impact on my network. My following on social media grew from around 8,000 to 28,000 in a couple of weeks! That allowed me to connect with people all over the world and opened up conversations with brands that I could have only of dreamed of working with. From here, the hard work really began.

Setting up my photography business and more recently, production company, were highlights that added another level of professionalism to what I do. Publishing my first book called “London Fog” and seeing it in book stores was also a humbling experience! Being signed to Sony, Adobe and Wex as an ambassador is something I am particularly proud of. Shooting for the Vogue, again opened up so many doors that I couldn’t have imagined.

I would also say that exec-producing my first documentary called “Fortitude” and having the premiere in the Museum of London was an experience I will remember for the rest of my life. All in all, I have tried to be consistent with my efforts and I think that is what is paying off.

Pro Tips

Show the world your breakthrough work. Submit your work by Sep 16, 2022
